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Hydrosure offers an affordable and environmentally-friendly domestic moling Newcastle service. When replacing and installing mains, we dig through the soil in an attempt to create a path for the pipeline. The moling team will dig the tunnels by hammering through the soil.
The team will start by excavating pits at specific intervals. Once this is done, the mole will be used to create an underground route to the destination. When it reaches the destination pit, the mole will rise to the surface. It is through this route that we will pull the water main pipeline.
An advantage of our service is the fact that we do not use trenches to install your water mains pipeline. This means we can complete the whole job in a very short time. Trenches would need a lot of time to dig and fill, and we are able to skip this whole process by using moles.
In one hit, we can install a pipeline that is 20 metres long. The pipeline should be between 25 and 150 mm in diameter.
Moling is ideal for soils with soft materials like clay, sand, and light gravel. If your soils are harder, the entire project could be compromised since the equipment might get damaged. We will advise you on the best alternative depending on the conditions of your soils.

Our team can complete a daily installation of 100 metres, but this is determined by the diameter of the pipes and the condition of the soil. The length of the pipes vary and can reach 20 metres. Our team can target the location with an accuracy of 50 mm. The process is easy and quick.
We can guarantee you a full resolution of your problem. We will cover all the aspects of the replacement and installation of your pipelines. Our team will survey the site, identify the source, and handle the moling process. They will then install the pipeline.
We also offer on-site consultation on matters regarding the installation of your pipelines. Our team will study your soil to determine the best installation method. Once you give us the go-ahead, we will start working. Moling does not require many licenses, and this means we will be able to start the project soon enough.
Hydrosure is one of the leading domestic moling contractors in Newcastle.
The service does not use trenches to install pipelines. Instead, we use advanced moling technology.
Our service is fast and efficient. We use ultra-modern equipment since our goal is to minimise surface disturbance.
Hydrosure is also highly flexible and will be able to adapt to your soil conditions and overall setting.