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Hydrosure provides domestic moling Jedburgh services at competitive prices. This is a sophisticated excavation and pipe installation technique that has minimal impact on the environment as it does not rely on large trenches being dug out of the ground.
Instead, a narrow, cylindical device is lowered into the ground to the appropriate depth, where it is then pushed along via air compression, hollowing out a channel as it goes.
The trenchless excavation technology we employ is extremely impressive in its precision and efficiency. Traditional excavation methods seem brutish by comparison; large backhoes or groups of men with shovels opening up wide and deep trenches in the ground, only to insert slender spans of piping and then backfill the heaps of earth back over the gaping holes.
In contrast, our domestic moling method is surgical in its approach: a small pit is dug and a pneumatic device is placed into the exact spot where the watermains are supposed to start, where it then starts to displace minimal amounts of soil as it moves forward. The result is a perfect tunnel that accommodates piping that ranges from diameters of 25mm to 150mm.
The piping is attached to the same cylindrical unit, where it is pulled back through the tunnel. A span of 20 meters of piping can be installed at a time.
This advanced moling technology is perfect for excavating and then installing piping underneath roads, railways, gardens, patios, trees, and other structures that cannot be moved. Moling works with most types of soil in our area, and other substrates such as clay, sand, and loose gravel.

Under most circumstances, our team of domestic moling professionals can set up the equipment, excavate, install up to 100 meters of piping, and have the site cleaned up during a single day’s worth of work. This of course depends on the soil conditions, the diameter of the piping and other factors. At any rate, as a homeowner you will be pleased at the pace at which the entire process is completed and the minimum of invasiveness to your property.
We guarantee all of our trenchless pipe installations and even offer a 24/7 emergency repair service in the extraordinary case that there may be a future problem with your piping.
We cover every aspect of the job, and this includes the initial inspection of your property where we examine your property and determine any existing drainage and/or exterior plumbing issues. Our team of professionals also look closely at your soil, and in the rare case that moling is not a viable option we will let you know, and recommend another contractor.
We only use the most state-of-the-art pneumatic impact moling technology and our staff are highly trained and experienced.
We work closely with our clients and are extremely flexible when it comes to meeting their specific needs.
All jobs are carried out in a highly professional manner with an extra onus placed on safety and legal liability. Of course, we realize that our clients choose us because they want a more efficient, affordable, and less invasive solution and we always deliver.
You don’t need to dig a trench to install pipes! Consider our trenchless domestic moling solution.