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Hydrosure is one of the highest-rated domestic moling Cramlington services. We provide an affordable and eco-friendly domestic moling service, and the service is available 24/7.
Instead of digging and filling trenches, we use a mole to burrow through the soil and install the pipelines.
Our professionals will start the pipeline installation process by excavating pits at regular intervals. The pits are excavated using a pneumatic unit mole, and this mole will emerge at the destination pit. The mole uses compressed air to hammer away the soil as it creates the tunnels. These channels are then used to pull the water mains.
The advantage of this pipeline installation technique is that it takes a very short time. It only involves the burrowing of small holes. With other techniques, you will have to dig large tunnels and fill them back later. This technique also causes minimal disruption to the surface, and this makes it good for the environment. The entire process will be completed in a very short period.
Moling is an ideal pipeline installation method for softer soils like clay and sand. Other soil types can damage the moling equipment, and this will compromise the whole project. You will also find this technique ideal if you live in a congested area. Moling does not require licenses or the excavation of trenches, so it will be easy to implement in places with roads and other obstacles.
If moling cannot be used for your project, our professionals will advise you on the best alternative.

Hydrosure professionals install about 100 metres of pipeline every day. Our installation method is quick and easy.
Our professionals will handle all aspects of the pipeline installation. We will integrate all the services needed for the installation of your pipeline mains, including the site surveillance.
Moling is suitable for softer soils, so our team will have to first study your soils to determine whether or not our services will be applicable to your project. If moling is not applicable to your project, we will advise you on the best alternative pipeline installation method. Since we use an underground pipeline installation method, we will not require any licenses or authorisation. As soon as you agree with our recommendation, we will be able to start the pipeline installation process.
Hydrosure is a Cramlington domestic moling contractor company that has grown in popularity over the past few years.
This is because of its eco-friendly practices and the affordability of our services.
Instead of excavating large trenches, we burrow channels through which we will pull the pipes. With this method, there is minimal surface disruption.
Our services are available 24/7. We use ultra-modern equipment to excavate the tunnels, and this allows us to offer our services at very low prices.